"Stolen Years: A True Story Of Domestic Abuse And Survival" With Connie Nelson

"Stolen Years" is the title of a book by Darrel Day that tells the story of Connie (Sarff) Nelson, a Long Prairie resident who was abducted by her estranged husband. She was taken from her apartment by him and driven, naked and unconscious to Mexico, where she remained his prisoner for 15 days. Connie will tell her story of a lifetime of domestic violence and the eventual trial that finally put her husband behind bars. Connie now works at Hands of Hope Resource Center which provides services to people in Central Minnesota affected by sexual assault, domestic violence, child abuse and/or general crime.

The event will be held at the Long Prairie Public Library, Thursday, Oct. 28, 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. This event is free and open to the public. For more information, please call the library at 320-732-2332.