DVDs And Videos

GRRL's large collection of video on DVD and VHS includes numerous 'how-to' titles, from horse training to watercolor painting.

We have popular movies to suit all interests and a strong collection of children's movies.

You will find a shortcut to many of the new titles on the New, Best & Fun lists for DVD - Documentaries & How-To Films and DVD - U. S. & Foreign Feature Films.

The Collection includes hard-to-find titles such as foreign films, silent screen classics and Criterion Collection movies, a brand known for high quality video releases of significant films.

Searching tip: At the basic search screen, type DVD or video after your title keywords.

Copyright law limits Home Use Only video materials to viewing by an individual, a family, and/or a group of friends. Certain uses in classroom or nursing home settings may be permissible. Please check with library staff. Copying or dubbing of copyright protected materials is illegal.


Looking to stream videos? Try Hoopla

Use your registered library card to access eBooks, eAudiobooks, eComicbooks, Music, Movies/TV to stream or download on a variety of devices. Hoopla Help page.

Content can be accessed through the website or via the Hoopla app available in the Apple and/or Google Play store.

Patrons can borrow 4 items per month. E-card holders and Minor cards will not be able to access R-rated material per Great River Regional Library policy.

Fines must be less than $6 before accessing the service. Credit card payment options are available.

Note: this service is limited to residents of GRRL's 6 county service area